Sunday, March 2, 2008

(big pouty sigh)

For about ten years or so I've had various problems with my hands - aches, tingles, etc. Lately it's gotten really bad. I can't even pick up my needles without hurting. So, in an attempt to make it less, I've stopped knitting for awhile. I'm actually going crazy, too. I'm one of those people who can't sit still, and watching TV without a project is like torture. I've tried a but of crocheting and it's not good, either. So I sit on the couch and think about all the pretty yarns and patterns in my life and pout. I look at my new books and pout some more because I can't start anything. I have an appointment coming up, though, and will talk to the doctor about my yarny addictions - I'm sure I'll be stark raving mad by then!
I do plan on making good use of this time, however. I have about two hundred patterns that I've printed out. I intend to sort them into categories, like shawls and socks and such, and put them all in categorized binders according to yarn weight. (It works great in my head - let's see how reality goes!) I'm thinking about organizing my stash, too, again by weight. I need a good storage system, though. The big bags I use now are a bit floppy and tip over alot.
One thing is for sure - I won't get bored. I have some knitting looms, hand-held weaving looms, and knit-wits. I can make some projects with those for awhile. I have some sewing projects that I've been wanting to do, too. I might even venture into the city and get supplies to make some body lotion and face care supplies. Khloe will make sure I have plenty to do, too.
My Kerry has been having alot of problems lately. He gets mad or frustrated at school and has tantrums - throws things, kicks, and tries to run away. I'm trying to get him some additional counseling - he sees a counselor at school once a week. I'm very worried about my boy. He's very smart, he just doesn't know how to control his emotions. (This is when I would knit or crochet like a mad woman and work out my thoughts, pout pout pout) His birthday is coming up, and I've decided that no matter what, we will have his party. Maybe that's a bad decision, but he needs something to look forward to. Besides, it will be fun.
I'll do my best to not complain any more about my appendage issues. I don't want to get boring. I'll keep you updated, though. I just won't be having any new FO's for awhile.


Jen said...

Not being able to knit sucks. Maybe you should dye something.

And having the party for Kerry is a good call. He's a great kid. Giving him something to look forward to is a good thing.

Knitting Up A Storm said...

Oh, man... that stinks.
It's great that you're organizing everything so you'll be right on track again.

I'm really really really looking forward to the next fiber fair. I hope that I can make it, and not have to work than.