Thursday, August 28, 2014


I finally was able to order a new computer and it will be here next week. Yay! Here's the part where the universe still sucks - as I was driving home with the kids Sunday evening (they spent the weekend with their dumbass dad) we had a tire blow out. We stood out in the heat and humidity trying to get the flat off (those lug nuts did not want to budge) until Eric came and put the spare on so we could get home. The kids learned to change a tire, though, and that people do ask if they can help if they see a car pulled over. More crappiness - their dad told them that we won't get any child support for a while so my tire won't get fixed and I won't be able to get my data transferred. Why no support? He hasn't been able to concentrate on work since his new wife left so instead of doing the job that the state knows about he's been playing gigs with his band and getting cash to live on. Pair that with me still not finding any work and, well, I'm in a very bad mood right now. My mom had surgery, again, on her hand. They replaced the knuckle at the base of her thumb with a plastic one. This is the second time - the first one got messed up. She's having a hard time with it and I can't help her out at all because I can't get there. If you could spare a healing energy vibe we would appreciate it. The kids are back in school. It's just me and the kitty all day again. He likes being able to sleep in peace and, honestly, so do I. Yep, I'm a napper! I'm trying to get the house back in order after our chaotic summer but I'm not in a hurry. I'm planning on doing some sewing, too, once i uncover the table. I have a big new container of buttons to sort through (there's a picture on my Instagram @MsBobbilicious) that has me wanting to make a shirtwaist dress or buttony skirt or something. I did make a bracelet out of some of the buttons and it looks cool. I'll instagram it today. As for new Doctor I am in love! Capaldi is brilliant. I can't wait to get my podcasts to see what they all think of him but I'm pretty sure they all love him, too. I'm not sure how I feel about the Chris Hardwick after-show. Maybe it needs a couple more episodes. Well, it's time to get these kids off to school. I'll be back! have a great day.


Shybiker said...

Sorry to hear your woes. If possible, try to look on the bright side. Often we focus on what we lack (money) and overlook what we have (reasonably good health; access to nature; opportunities to enjoy art at free museums and concerts). I hope you feel better.

Hollie Black-Ramsey said...

Sorry to hear about all that! Here's a big internet huggle for you!!

Curtise said...

I'm really sorry to hear about your troubles, hope they get resolved soon. Meanwhile, enjoy some peace now the kids are back at school, and some sewing time! xxx