Friday, March 27, 2015

My Snowy OWL

I've been in the Harry Potter Knit and Crochet House Cup since it started in the fall of 2008. It's a knit-a-long group based on the classes of Hogwarts. The OWLs are bigger projects that take about three months to complete. I've tried three times to complete my Divination OWL but the fourth time was the charm.
I crocheted seventy snowflakes. Most of the patterns are from Snowcatcher and a few are from pinterest. They will need to be reblocked and starched next fall. Since my tree is white I want to tint or glitter the edges, too, but I'm going to experiment a bit to see what looks best. The kids don't like them too much, but I'm using them anyway. I mean, I do all the work! Completing this makes me an OWL Mistress, meaning that I've completed every subject. It doesn't matter much in the real world, of course, but I'm quite proud of myself. I have to go back to court in two weeks. Yep - my ex once again filed to modify his payments. I guess he'd rather keep seeing the judge than just send payments. I'm so frustrated. But! The sun is shining and the grass is turning green again. Before long there will be flowers everywhere and the world will be colorful again.


Hollie Black-Ramsey said...

I've never heard of the Harry Potter Knit and Crochet House. Sounds cool!

Melanie said...

This is wildly beautiful and definitely is something that focuses the mind on all the good things. Awesome work!! Good luck with other stuff.

Shybiker said...

You should be proud -- this is beautiful! And a real accomplishment. I'm impressed by such skill and industry.

Curtise said...

Looks beautiful; SEVENTY snowflakes? How fantastic! xxx

Meg the Grand said...

These are incredible!!!!!