Wednesday, December 31, 2008
The End of 2008
Happy New Year to all of you!
Sunday, December 28, 2008
A Little Yarn Pr0n for Y'all

Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Under the Influence

Saturday, December 6, 2008
Is There Some Discrimination in Knitting?
What's up with me lately? I'm trying to get the gifts done. I've made a few ornaments for Anna - they go pretty quick. I've signed up for an ornament exchange in the Harry Potter House Cup group but don't know for sure what I'm going to make yet. I've also made a couple of easy lace scarves for myself - decorative, not warm and functional.
Yes, that means that my hands are better. I still hurt alot, and it's moving to all of my arms, but I've been able to knit a bit. My feet, however, have taken over where my hands left off. Still no diagnosis but I'm still trying to be positive.
No pictures this time, sorry folks. I don't want recipients to see what they're getting!
Monday, December 1, 2008
Friday, November 21, 2008
The Votes are In!

Monday, November 10, 2008
I Need A Favor, Please!
What have I been up to lately? Well, there's a bazaar coming up and I'm trying to get some things made up for it, but that's about all. Nothing big, nothing new, just me and my television.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Electronically Challenged
Monday, October 27, 2008
Spinning Like Crazy

Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Have You Seen These?

Saturday, October 11, 2008
Ideas - My Head Could Burst!
More ideas came in the new issue of Knit 'n Style. There's a really good article on steeking. I really want to try it now. Yes, the thought of cutting my knitting is a bit unnerving, but it's also kind of adrenalizing in a way. I'll be studying my Elizabeth Zimmermann for cardigan ideas - maybe something cabled since I've conquered that knitting milestone. Besides, can a person really have too many cardis?
I got a surprise issue of Verena knitting in the mail the other day. Oh my gosh. It's full of wonderful things. I want to make almost every pattern in it - seriously. I will be starting one rather soon, one I decide on the yarn for it. My issue is the summer one, but I want to make a sleeveless top that will work over a long sleeved shirt, too, so it will work for the upcoming coldness. For real, though, check out this magazine. It's fabulous.
I haven't gotten alot of help in the pain area lately - changing meds just has been messing me up. I can't knit or crochet nearly as much as I want to - and do in my head - so mostly I sit around frustrated. However, I just finished watching season one of Torchwood. Wow. I got the set free with my Dr Who, and I'm so glad. Torchwood is a great show. I want to find season two now and then find when it's on tv so I can keep up with it. The characters are so deep and interesting. I was surprised with the language - it's on BBC so the swearing is more like HBO - and there was some backside male nudity. It's not for kids but it's good and I recommend it to any sci-fi lovers.
What else? I suppose that's all for now - it's a no-kid weekend, so there's relaxing to be done! After the housework, of course.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Update Required!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008

For transfiguration we were asked to pick a project that was something we hadn't done before. I already had a pattern that I wanted to do that had three new things - cables, stripes, and thumb gussets. I did go with the blue and gray for this, though, so it will match some other things that I have planned. I also learned how to make a reverse-image right/left pair, too. Yay,me!

Now, I'm sure you're wondering why there's a picture of me and not just the gloves. Well, some of you haven't seen me in awhile. Some of you have never seen me. It's not a great picture - pardon the kind of double chin effect - but here I am. Besides, I really like my new hair - shorter and darker than it's been in awhile.
For anyone interested, it's time to be signing up for fall sock clubs. I'm in the winter edition of the Knitting up a Storm yarn club. It's based on movies this time. First up is Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Woo hoo! I'm really excited to see what Anna does for the colorway. The summer book skeins are all so pretty and match really well. Of course I'll be making something in honor of my man Sirius.
Speaking of men, I found Josh Bernstein's new show last night on accident. I've missed him. He makes me want to rush out on adventures...well, I'll leave that there. heh.Finally, here's a little something to show off:
It's the first shipment for the Wollmeise sock club! It came today. I'm so loving the purple skein - it's called Elder Bush. It's so rich and wonderful. I think it will be a scarf or shawl or top or something that can be seen. The green is called Box Wreath. I'm not into green but it's pretty. I hope I don't get in trouble for showing a picture - in ravelry we're supposed to use a spoiler picture in our stash. So don't tell on me!
That's all for now, I guess. I'll go back to reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows now - I'm almost at the really good part!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
I forgot to show!
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Summer's Over
I have been watching Dr Who on dvd. I must say that Billie Piper is really beautiful. She's so different than Hollywood actresses with their skeleton bodies and perfect teeth. After watching both seasons of her I feel a bit less bad about the filling-out I've done lately and my overbite. I haven't watched much with the other actress - I'm just through Rose and her mom (LOVE her mom) going to the parallel world. We did watch the season finale this summer which will make much more sense now that I've seen so much leading up to it. I'm addicted. I admit it.
Summer of Socks is almost over. I've made four pair and have two second socks to make - but they won't get done in time. But -- I'll have six new pairs of squishy socks to wear this winter. Yay! I didn't win any of the drawings and I won't win any of the other prizes, but that's okay. I've improved my sock-making skills alot and am pretty darn good with the DPN's.
My next adventure is the Harry Potter House Cup. It's a knitting and crochet contest (for lack of a better word) based on the sorted houses and the classes at Hogwarts - potions, herbology, etc. I'm in Ravenclaw, of course, and am anxiously awaiting the start - on September first, when Hogwarts starts. The assignments should be fun, if the conversations are correct- blending yarns and fibers for potions, nature motifs for herbology, that sort of thing. It will be fun to see what everyone comes up with.
I've been checking out the Fiber Friday posts on craftster lately - it's where spinners show off their latest creations. Wow. People are making some amazing yarns, both for knitting with and for looking at. They're using so many different rovings, threads, beads, crocheted flowers - my mind is swirling with ideas. Right now I'm combining two different rovings in one draft - naughty me - but with three spindles and Jenny's kick spindle I can really go crazy. (Hint, hint - if you have any spinning supplies you don't need, I would be happy to give them a home!) I need a great project for the handspun skeins I've collected. I really want to put them to good use and show them off.
Well, no pictures this time, sorry. I've got yardwork to do and dyeing to do (you know you want to buy some!) and school fundraising to go through - already!- so I'm off for now - and maybe I'll spend some more time with the Doctor.
Friday, August 15, 2008
I Have a New Name
Your Goth Name is: |
I think it kind of fits! She even looks like me - in my mind, anyway.
Monday, August 11, 2008
I Won!

I'm itching to read the Harry Potter books again. Why? Well, the new movie comes out this fall and I've entered a KAL/CAL that starts as the sock one ends. It's based on Hogwarts classes and should be alot of fun. I hope they put me in Ravenclaw, but I've told the organizers that they could place me wherever needed to balance things out. I'll be jumping from footwear to magic.
Eric is home on vacation this week - it's strangely nice to have him here when I wake up.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
So What's the Deal???

Wednesday, August 6, 2008
The Good, the Bad, and the Heart-breaking Ugly
I've learned a plying technique - online, of course - and it turned out great, considering it was my first time. It's called Andean plying and is a way of using one spindle-full to make a two-plied yarn. I, of course, in my excitement to do it forgot that wrapping my hand up in a big amount of spinning may be rather uncomfortable, so I had to slip it off and work from a modified cake. But here it is. It turned out rather nice. I will do it again - on the above spinning.
Now, for the ugly. While I was wrapping my hand in the spun strand of fiber it snagged a bit. I worked the fibers loose and felt the most awful, heart-stopping snap. My beautiful spindle had broken. I love that spindle. I only have the two, but I so much prefer the feel of the heavier bottom-whorl with it's gorgeous ceramic whorl. I did cry. I'm really trying hard to save it, too - you who know me know I keep a large selection of glues on hand and a smaller variety of tapes (adhesive addict, I admit). Can you see the slight bulge in the middle? That's tape as clamp, holding it together until the glue cures. Then the quest for a wrap begins. I need something similar to floral tape but not sticky on the outside. Suggestions, anyone?
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Personality test
You Are An INFP |
You are creative with a great imagination, living in your own inner world. Open minded and accepting, you strive for harmony in your important relationships. It takes a long time for people to get to know you. You are hesitant to let people get close. But once you care for someone, you do everything you can to help them grow and develop. In love, you tend to have high (and often unrealistic) standards. You are very sensitive. You tend to have intense feelings. At work, you need to do something that expresses your personal values. You would make an excellent writer, psychologist, or artist. How you see yourself: Unselfish, empathetic, and spiritual When other people don't get you, they see you as: Unrealistic, naive, and weak |
Friday, August 1, 2008
Yup, I have a new interest!
These are little squares of felt, made by us! I know, it's a crappy picture, but I'm so excited and wanted to share. The top one is some oceany-inspired roving that I'm sure I won't spin, but it worked great for this and has a felty future. The bottom one is mostly Khloe - she picked out the colors and did alot of the work. Her favorite part, of course, is squirting the soapy water on, but she did great all around. Where does she get her craftiness?
I know what you're thinking. "How on earth will you balance all of your hobbies, kids, housework, etc?" Oh, ha ha ha! Surely you jest! Balance has no place in my life - except for a couple of yoga poses and climbing the ladder to the pool, but you know what I mean. Eventually everything will fall into place.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
The Jaywalkers are Finished!

I hung a clothesline, and it's perfect for drying! See the one with the black? Boy child has claimed it. I guess it's good if he likes it, so I'm off to make some more. (I thought it was good, too!)
Have a great weekend!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
We made yarn!
At about, oh, five Monday morning I found myself with two children in my bed, scared to death, because there was a terrifying storm going on - hail, constant thunder, so much lightning that it looked like daylight. Then the power went out. The power stayed out until noon. My children were so bored - everything they enjoy is electric, of course. I wound up getting the polymer clay out for them to play with and baked it much later when the power came on. Well, even with the little lantern and a bunch of candles there wasn't enough light to knit on a sock, so I pulled out the kick spindle that I'm borrowing from Jenny and finished spinning the roving that's been on it. Khloe helped by actually spinning the spindle so all I did was the drafting. It worked out really well, so we got out my shiny new drop spindle and some new fiber and gave it a go. Well, it's not alot of yarn at all, but it's real yarn made by our little hands in the stormy darkness. Check it out!

I really enjoy spinning. It's very calming. The drop spindle - which I don't really drop but spin on a book on my lap - is a bottom whorl and is a gorgeous ceramic disc. No, I didn't take a picture - my ducks are never in a row. I ordered a top whorl from etsy last night (must remember to stay away from the daily chum on lime and violet!) to see how it works.
I don't think we'll be making anything with our little yarn. It's mostly a "look what we did" thing right now. I have more of the purple fiber, though, so maybe the second batch of handspun will become an item. No, it's not plied. It's the wonderful thick and thin single ply that costs a ton when it comes from a company.
In conclusion, I have another addiction. At least this one is shared by the girl child.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Woo! What a day!
Oh! Jenny bought me a skein of seasilk! It's called mineral and is a dark gray-brown. Know what I'm making? That's right - Montego Bay! Okay, I don't know how to get a picture from a magazine onto here, but it's from last summer's Interweave Knits and is written for exactly this yarn. Yay! I have to finish my clapotis and a couple more pair of socks first.
Uh-oh, the girl child is snuggling with the yarn booty. Off to save the stash from child germs!
Friday, July 18, 2008
Isn't it Gorgeous???
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Lawn Furniture Painting
I got a little tired of the plain old white table that we keep by the pool, so I spent a bit of time at the farm supply store (love it there!) in the spray paint aisle and came home to make it much more fun looking. I let Khloe decorate the chair to match. Unfortunately, I ran out of plastic primer, so the rest of the chairs are still plain old white and green. Guess I need to make another trip to the store!
Friday, July 11, 2008
The following is written by Khloe
Okay, back to me now. Kerry has been in Chicago with his dad, so it's been a girl week. She and I have been having a good time, too. Of course, I'm sunburned again - we got to swim for two days, which was great. Last summer, when I worked, I only got to use the pool two or three times a month. Khloe and I just lounged back on the pool noodles and chatted. It was really nice.
I finished one Jaywalker and now am working on a Monkey. I'll have pics next time - this entry was spontaniously thought of by Little Girl. I've been experimenting with some new dye techniques, too.
Hmmm...I think the little chef needs to help her mommy make some brownies!
Thursday, July 3, 2008
RAKs, PIF, SoS....etc!
What a week. I've been very busy finishing up my first pair for Summer of Socks, which started on June 21. I'm very pleased with what I made. The pattern is from the new knitty - Spring Forward. It's apparently a very popular pattern and every pair that I've seen is pretty. Y'all should make it. The yarn is the Gatsby colorway from the KUAS club. You know, I'm not such a fan of green and yellow, but I really like this yarn alot and am looking forward to cooler weather so I can wear them.
The next pairs I'll be making are Jaywalkers and Monkeys. The plan is to alternate, but I tend to be obsessive, so we'll see.
I joined a Random Acts of Kindness group recently and have sent out several packages. The group is great - the gifts don't have to brand new, it can be stash that you won't use and other things like that. Of course, I have tons of stash, so some of it has new homes. One part of it is giveaways, so I have acquired some cool rainbow sock yarn, a handmade journal, and a sticker. I have a couple more boxes to send out today. Gotta spread the love.
Okay, here's a big one. I'm also in a group called Pay it Forward. Here's how it works - a friend is making a gift for me. I, in turn, make gifts for three other people, and those three make gifts for three more, and on and on. So, I would like three "angels" to make gifts for. Keep in mind how it works, though. If you would like for me to make you something, please contact me - comment here, email me, call me...however you want. I'll put up a post when the spots are full. Heh, now I'll know who my readers are! I almost forgot - there's a six month time frame. If I'm making something for you, I have until January to finish and get it to you, and it won't be your Christmas gift.
I picked a ripe tomato already! It was yummy, too. I get tickled by little things.
Stop by the store if you haven't already. We have new things going up soon, and feel free to make a request if you can't find what you need. Here are a couple of examples. They're called plumfetti and chaos. I'm very tempted to keep the purpleness, but I won't. I'll share. Besides, I can make more if I really need it.
Happy Fourth!
(sorry, I scrwewd up the picture placement, but I think you get the idea)
Saturday, June 7, 2008
My Roses and Yarns
I wanted to share some of my pretty roses. It was really windy when I took the pictures, so they're not great, but you can see what I've inherited from the previous owners. I've spent alot of time with them - trimming them up and getting them under control. (apparently, the man who lived here just planted and let it go - the bushes around the house are crazy.) I'm hoping to get out with them today, but the weather has been so crazy. I have a tree to plant, too. Yay! It's a weeping pussy willow - I saw one in a catalog years ago and haven't stopped thinking about it. I finally saw one available online a few months ago and pounced on it - well, not literally, but you know what I mean. It will go out front in a little planting area by the front steps. I'll take pictures when it's in.
Monday, June 2, 2008
It's June
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Big day and a brush with fame
I know that it's good luck to rain n on your wedding day. What does it mean when there's a super-scary thunderstorm on your last day of work - especially when a tree by the door gets hit by lightning? Does that mean uber-good luck or major doom? Yes, my working days are done for now. I feel free and light. (I won't discuss my last day of work. My feelings are still hurt.)
On her blog, Jenny discussed feeling like she's been stuck on spin cycle. Me? I'm under water or something - I'm moving but nothing seems to be happening. Everyone else is going along as normal, I'm just not accomplishing much. I'll get things done, though. It will just be awhile.
I'm feeling a little famous in my head right now. See, I'm friends on ravelry with Carin from the Lime and Violet podcast. In my initial message to her, I commented on her Monkey socks and asked if it was her favorite pattern. On last week's podcast she said that it is her favorite pattern. It was like she was speaking to me. Hee.
I finally got my "garden" going yesterday. I went to Kmart and bought my tomato plants, marigolds, and some snazzy new gardening gloves.(Khloe and Megan "cleaned" the shed, and I can't find my old gloves. Neither can they.) Yes, my whole garden is tomatoes. The marigolds are supposed to keep bugs and rabbits away. I like working in the yard. I feel more connected to the world or something. I just don't mow. That's what teenage neighbors are for. And stepdaughters.
I've put the knitting on hold for a moment. It seems my psyche was craving comfort, so I'm crocheting a throw. It won't be big, just enough to cover my legs and chest. Eric thinks it's very colorful - black and white. Fortunately, crocheting is really fast. I should be back to the sock soon. I need to finish it quickly - my sock club package will be coming this week, and I'd like to work with it. Summer of Socks is still a couple of weeks off. I've got some things ready - yarn caked up, patterns selected. I know I won't win. I'm excited about getting good at making socks. Kid socks don't count - my two want some slipper socks, so those will be started soon. Yep, just in time for warm weather and sunshine.
Happy Memorial Day.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Emotionality, part two
One week until my SAHM days begin. The kids and I have decided on some things - reading time, for example. They both want to spend time at the library, too, looking at the displays and playing with the things there. I'm so glad that I won't be driving anymore. I spent about an hour and a half in my car just getting to and from work. There's no way I could afford to keep doing it - and I hate the wasted time. I've been listening to my podcasts in the car lately, which makes it more bearable, but when I can listen to a whole Lime and Violet, I've been in the car too long.
The second Bellatrix sock is coming along slowly. I think I've lost my enthusiasm for it - it doesn't fit very well. My fault - should've used a bigger needle size. I'll know better for next time.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Speaking of etsy, our shop is up! There's only a couple of skeins so far, but more is coming! Check it out: Support the knitting community - buy our yarn or some of the other wonderful indie yarns there.
The lilacs are so pretty right now. I need to take some pictures before the moment is gone. My roses are getting lots of leaves and new stems. The tree that I ordered should be here soon - a weeping pussy willow. I've been eyeing one for a couple of years. It will be so pretty by the porch. I love watching everything bloom.
I also love that my summer starts in two weeks!
Happy Mother's Day!
Monday, May 5, 2008
Sock Crazy!
Monday, April 28, 2008
Big News!
Monday, April 21, 2008
Just wondering...
It has really warmed up outside. My roses are getting leaves! Yay! The grass is green and pretty. I'm so glad it's finally nice - we had such a long, crazy winter. It will feel so good to be out working with my plants and getting the yard pretty. Aahhh....spring.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
What a Week
I have alot of other sweater patterns to choose from, both from books and online. I'm going to make a few more. I love sweaters and know I'll feel great wearing one that I've knit myself - I love wearing my crocheted ones. I'll be crocheting a couple more, too. Since it's warming up, though, I want to work on smaller projects - who wants a lap full of warmth on a warm sunny day? I want to make several pairs of socks. There are so many beautiful designs and yarns. I'm loving all of the lacy scarves, too. Oh, speaking of socks, my Bellatrix is coming along nicely. I really love this pattern. Even though this is still my first pair of them, I have more planned.
The yarn dyeing has been so much fun for me. I've discovered that I prefer kettle dyeing to painting because it's easier to do other things, too. Here is what I've done so far. Only two of them will go in the shop. The blue and gray on top is laceweight and will become a clapotis soon. My first try at kettle dyeing is the purple in the middle and it turned out too pretty so I have to keep it. It will be great with a lacy sock pattern. I'm sure I have several to chose from.
Oh, yeah, that's something else from last week - I decided to try to settle myself down by doing some pattern browsing, and found that Magknits is gone. Gone. I had several patterns there that I wanted to do. Now I need to wait for the designers to put them up on ravelry or their blogs or just pout and do without. Hmmm...maybe the purple would be good for Jaywalkers. (I did find that pattern already, thank goodness.)
No, I don't know how to link to things by clicking on the name, like clapotis or jaywalker. I'm kind of slow with computers. Maybe one of you can show me how. Hint, hint.
Well, I think that's all for now. Talk to you again soon!
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
To "B" or Not To "B"
I have a few rows left on the sleeve of the purple sweater. I think a sleeveless version in a cottony yarn is in order for summer. I want to get my first sweater done before it's too warm to wear it.
Kerry is really doing well with counseling. I'm so happy. He's so smart and fun, and his problems were really starting to affect his learning and friendships.
I'm so excited about dyeing yarns with Jenny. I have so many ideas! I have a notebook in my (huge new) purse so I can write everything down instead of trying to remember it all. I have tons of dyes to play with and yarns to experiment on. I'm trying to be organized, though, which for me is really hard.
I've started journaling again, and I gave the kids journals to keep, too. We're all enjoying it so far.
Back to knitting - how many WIPs is enough at one time? I'm thinking three - a pair of socks, a big item like a sweater or the messenger bag, and a shawl/wrap item with some laciness. I think that will be my goal, with a dishcloth or charity square thrown in for fun here and there. I get so excited every time I see a new pattern and need to remind myself to finish things. Three WIPs, Bobbi!
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Spring Break!
I picked up the current knitscene today and found several things to make, especially the Phiaro Scarf. I don't have the yarn called for but there's a good sub in the stash, I'm sure. Check it out - it's very cool. Speaking of stash, I discovered a great way of storing mine. I picked up a vinyl car organizer - the kind to put grocery bags in to keep them from spilling in the trunk. It's divided in half, so I put sock yarns in one side and worsted in the other. It fits nicely between my bed and nightstand (yes, I sleep by my yarn) and holds alot. Of course, I now know what yarns were hiding in the bottom of the giant bag it was in before. It's like a big surprise. I have some great Egyptian cotton - enough for a couple of afghans or three sweaters.
I picked up the new Vogue Knitting, too. It has some really pretty things in it - one is a little sweater that looks so good on the toned model but would look so bad on squishy me. It's really cute, though. Maybe if I do pilates for a year or so it would look nice.
Back to work next week. Three more days of sleeping in. Oh, well. I'd best enjoy it.