Tuesday, August 26, 2008
I forgot to show!

Saturday, August 23, 2008
Summer's Over
I have been watching Dr Who on dvd. I must say that Billie Piper is really beautiful. She's so different than Hollywood actresses with their skeleton bodies and perfect teeth. After watching both seasons of her I feel a bit less bad about the filling-out I've done lately and my overbite. I haven't watched much with the other actress - I'm just through Rose and her mom (LOVE her mom) going to the parallel world. We did watch the season finale this summer which will make much more sense now that I've seen so much leading up to it. I'm addicted. I admit it.
Summer of Socks is almost over. I've made four pair and have two second socks to make - but they won't get done in time. But -- I'll have six new pairs of squishy socks to wear this winter. Yay! I didn't win any of the drawings and I won't win any of the other prizes, but that's okay. I've improved my sock-making skills alot and am pretty darn good with the DPN's.
My next adventure is the Harry Potter House Cup. It's a knitting and crochet contest (for lack of a better word) based on the sorted houses and the classes at Hogwarts - potions, herbology, etc. I'm in Ravenclaw, of course, and am anxiously awaiting the start - on September first, when Hogwarts starts. The assignments should be fun, if the conversations are correct- blending yarns and fibers for potions, nature motifs for herbology, that sort of thing. It will be fun to see what everyone comes up with.
I've been checking out the Fiber Friday posts on craftster lately - it's where spinners show off their latest creations. Wow. People are making some amazing yarns, both for knitting with and for looking at. They're using so many different rovings, threads, beads, crocheted flowers - my mind is swirling with ideas. Right now I'm combining two different rovings in one draft - naughty me - but with three spindles and Jenny's kick spindle I can really go crazy. (Hint, hint - if you have any spinning supplies you don't need, I would be happy to give them a home!) I need a great project for the handspun skeins I've collected. I really want to put them to good use and show them off.
Well, no pictures this time, sorry. I've got yardwork to do and dyeing to do (you know you want to buy some!) and school fundraising to go through - already!- so I'm off for now - and maybe I'll spend some more time with the Doctor.
Friday, August 15, 2008
I Have a New Name
Your Goth Name is: |
I think it kind of fits! She even looks like me - in my mind, anyway.
Monday, August 11, 2008
I Won!

I'm itching to read the Harry Potter books again. Why? Well, the new movie comes out this fall and I've entered a KAL/CAL that starts as the sock one ends. It's based on Hogwarts classes and should be alot of fun. I hope they put me in Ravenclaw, but I've told the organizers that they could place me wherever needed to balance things out. I'll be jumping from footwear to magic.
Eric is home on vacation this week - it's strangely nice to have him here when I wake up.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
So What's the Deal???

Wednesday, August 6, 2008
The Good, the Bad, and the Heart-breaking Ugly
I've learned a plying technique - online, of course - and it turned out great, considering it was my first time. It's called Andean plying and is a way of using one spindle-full to make a two-plied yarn. I, of course, in my excitement to do it forgot that wrapping my hand up in a big amount of spinning may be rather uncomfortable, so I had to slip it off and work from a modified cake. But here it is. It turned out rather nice. I will do it again - on the above spinning.
Now, for the ugly. While I was wrapping my hand in the spun strand of fiber it snagged a bit. I worked the fibers loose and felt the most awful, heart-stopping snap. My beautiful spindle had broken. I love that spindle. I only have the two, but I so much prefer the feel of the heavier bottom-whorl with it's gorgeous ceramic whorl. I did cry. I'm really trying hard to save it, too - you who know me know I keep a large selection of glues on hand and a smaller variety of tapes (adhesive addict, I admit). Can you see the slight bulge in the middle? That's tape as clamp, holding it together until the glue cures. Then the quest for a wrap begins. I need something similar to floral tape but not sticky on the outside. Suggestions, anyone?
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Personality test
You Are An INFP |
You are creative with a great imagination, living in your own inner world. Open minded and accepting, you strive for harmony in your important relationships. It takes a long time for people to get to know you. You are hesitant to let people get close. But once you care for someone, you do everything you can to help them grow and develop. In love, you tend to have high (and often unrealistic) standards. You are very sensitive. You tend to have intense feelings. At work, you need to do something that expresses your personal values. You would make an excellent writer, psychologist, or artist. How you see yourself: Unselfish, empathetic, and spiritual When other people don't get you, they see you as: Unrealistic, naive, and weak |
Friday, August 1, 2008
Yup, I have a new interest!
These are little squares of felt, made by us! I know, it's a crappy picture, but I'm so excited and wanted to share. The top one is some oceany-inspired roving that I'm sure I won't spin, but it worked great for this and has a felty future. The bottom one is mostly Khloe - she picked out the colors and did alot of the work. Her favorite part, of course, is squirting the soapy water on, but she did great all around. Where does she get her craftiness?
I know what you're thinking. "How on earth will you balance all of your hobbies, kids, housework, etc?" Oh, ha ha ha! Surely you jest! Balance has no place in my life - except for a couple of yoga poses and climbing the ladder to the pool, but you know what I mean. Eventually everything will fall into place.