Monday, December 31, 2007
Happy Birthday to me
My Eric got me speakers for my ipod. Yay! Now I can listen to podcasts and music in the kitchen and not worry about dropping it in the food or dishwater. (yes, I have a dishwasher, but I kind of enjoy washing by hand. It's somehow relaxing.)
I watched Order of the Phoenix again and noticed that the house sweaters are black. (I'm slow sometimes) I think it's Cho who wears a black house cardi. I'm aching to make one - black, cardi, Ravenclaw - it's so me! I need to find a pattern and get to work.
I did get some blue and grey yarn, too. I have enough for two sweaters. One is blue with a grey stripe in Red Heart, and the other will be the opposite, grey with a blue stripe, in Simply Soft. So, yes, I'll be having another WIP.
Mom ordered me some yarn as a gift. It's the Patternworks house brand with alpaca. It's not in yet, though. She ordered me a bag of purple - it was on sale really cheap. I'll have a bunch of purple sweaters.
Craftster has been kind of same-old lately, but I was looking at the crochet section and found a great cowl-neck sweater. The poster got the pattern from Lion Brand's website. I printed it out because it's really cute and I love the ribbed look. I'm going to have a huge sweater wardrobe soon. I think it's so cool that we knitters and crocheters can conceivably make everything we wear. If I was a better sewer I'd never have to buy anything but raw materials. Wouldn't that be great?
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Knit-tastic Christmas!
I have to share all of the goodies I got this year. First, my mom gave me a ball winder. As Kerry shows, I had alot of fun making yarn cakes. That's just two evenings. I have much more yarn to cake up, but I'm afraid Eric might get annoyed if he sees how much yarn there really is.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
General Ramblings and Harry Potter
When I was at the Deathly Hallows book release I bought Charmed Knits on a whim. I'm so glad that I did. I'll be making one of the fab Weasley sweaters soon. I have some Fisherman's Wool that is the right gauge, I think. I love the house sweaters and the quiddich sweater, too. I'm a Ravenclaw, so I checked out Luna's house sweater closely to see how the stripes look. Now to find the right yarn. I'd so love a quiddich sweater but all the ribbing might make me crazy. (No comments! I know I'm already there!) If I find some good yarn for one I'll make it a long-term kinda project - not something I'll finish in the next month. I'm planning on making an Invisibility shawl, too. The yarn I have is purple, so I'd be quite visible in it unless I splurge on some pretty alpaca/silk from WEBS. Maybe black or dark gray would be nice - oohhh...the luscious Raven yarns! Perfect!
I messed up my dpn project. The bind-off went bad - too tight. I'll use a lifeline this time so I can undo it if necessary. Yes, I started all over. I'm still working on how to unknit. Besides, I could always use more practice.
It's one week until Christmas. I've done no shopping. I didn't get all of the dishcloths done. I don't even have any ideas. Oh, well. Eric and I will hit some stores this weekend and see what we can do. Better luck next year.
My sweater is going pretty good so far. I thought it was a hoodie, because the picture is rather unclear. Thank goodness it's not. I have alot of hair, and a hood underneath it would make me look like a hunchback. After working with so much cotton the wool feels funny. It looks good, though. It's an increase that I've never used before, so I get to learn a new trick. There's some nice cotton blend in my stash for the $5 in Paris sweater. I'll work on that while I make the Weasley sweater and start on one of the lace patterns accumulating on the couch. There's just not enough time to do everything! I need more hands or a housekeeper or something.
Are there any patterns besides dishcloths that incorporate the Sirius Black tattoo design? Does anyone know?
Well, it's late and these kids need to get to bed. Talk to you soon, all!
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
I did it
I joined a dishcloth knitalong club yesterday. After spending many (too many) hours browsing the dishcloths on ravelry I noticed that the yahoo club has great patterns. So I joined. I've been pondering whether I should join the Punk Rock Knitters for almost two weeks, but there wasn't any thought about this. Maybe my subconscious knows that the practical, dishcloth me is much more dominant than the punky, rebellious me. Time sure flies. I guess it's time to get pierced again.
There's no school again today. We were supposed to get a big ice storm, but it's just rain. The roads are bad, though, so school cancelled. Kerry was already up when I found out, but Khloe slept until nine. Of course, she won't want to go to sleep tonite. I need to set up her mp3 player so she can listen to music in bed. If she cleans her room, she could find all of her cd's to put on it.
I've really gotten interested in living more naturally lately. Both of the kids have mild allergies and I'd like to help control it if possible. I also want to better by the earth, which led me to the whole world of dishcloths and reusable swiffer covers. ( I need to make more of those.) I would love to make my own beauty products. That would just be cool. I tend to get obsessed with things, so I need to take it easy and just do a few things at a time, like make up some floor cleaner from It's a neat, informative site. Check it out.
Anna's contest this week is hard for me. What's my favorite Christmas memory? My strongest memory is my baby boy in the hospital getting help for his breathing. Not happy.Not festive. It was scary and nerve-wracking. I'm not going to enter this week. I'm sure she'll understand.
Well, back to my sweater.
Monday, December 10, 2007
Christmas tree!!
I've been busy making dishcloths lately to give as gifts. The big white one is an Army eagle. I'm going to give it to my grandma. She'll like it. There's an apple that's going to Grandma Melaney along with a plain red and a plain white that's still in progress. A couple are for my mom, but I haven't decided which yet. Yes, that leaves some extra, but that's okay - I can always use some!
Still working on the You Snag glovettes. Since they're top down, I need to decide how far up my arm they should go. Roght now they're to my wrist. Maybe a couple more inches would be good. I'm getting alot better with the DPN's, though. I'll be using that skill alot.
We're home today - ice. School's closed because of ice. We're supposed to get more today, too. I'm glad I stocked up on food. All I've done is eat and knit.
I'm so loving etsy lately. I bought some wonderful dragon'sblood soap that's too pretty to use. I've bought some more soaps from her for gifts to go along with the dishcloths.
Yesterday I went over to Jenny's house, and she was magic-looping. It's very intriguing. She said it's faster than two socks on two circs. I think I need some long circulars now so she can teach me. That skill will come in handy, too.
As for Dad, he's doing great. The surgery was fast and he's recovering well. I'd like to find a knitted kidney pattern as a joke. I think he'd enjoy it. Khloe spent the night with them last Saturday and helped Mom make candies. But guess what - none of the candies were sent home with her. I had to call and complain, of course. Apparently they "forgot". Likely story.
Saturday, December 1, 2007
She said I was Prolific!
The above yarn is a bit of prOn for y'all. Isn't it gorgeous? I got it on ebay. It's hand-dyed bucle, cotton or rayon(can't remember), called "vineyard". It's so soft and luscious. What will I do with it? Don't know. Something will come along. See, that's why I need knowledge.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Old dog - New trick!
Saturday, November 17, 2007
This week's progress
I finished Khloe's Clapotis. It's made with Caron acrylic. She likes it. It's big on her, but maybe that means she will use it for a long time.
I love this pattern. This is the second one that I've made. Everyone should make one, even if it's just for the calming rhythm of the stitches. I'll be making more - a friend from knitty is sending me the yarn to make her one, and I'd love to have a lighter weight one for my wardrobe. Well, the knitting schedule is open after Christmas.
This is one of a pair of muffatees from
The pic is a bit blurry, but it's ribbed half-double crochet. The pattern has clever short rows of slip stitches to widen the palm while keeping the wrist slimmer. I'll be making more of these, too. It's a quick project that didn't use much yarn, even though it's crochet.
Let me tell you the story of the yarn I used for it. When Kerry was a baby, my mom called and said that Goodwill had some yarn and would I like to check it out. Well, I was broke and had a new baby, but the yarn addiction was starting, so we went. A yarn distributor in our area had gone out of business, and Goodwill had bagged up 10 and 12 skeins for TWO dollars a bag. Whew. I wish I had a time machine, let me tell ya. The yarn is all Greek, so we have almost no idea what it is. This particular one is cotton ( I can read that word) and something else that's shiny, about DK weight or so. It's very smooth. Yes, I have yarn from eight years ago in my stash. Doesn't everyone?
Anyway, I'll be calling them wristwarmers because I think muffatee sounds kind of, um, naughty or something. I'm on a wristwarmer kick right now. I have printed out several patterns that look interesting and fun. I'm sure there will be more pics soon.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Sunday, November 11, 2007
Saturday, November 10, 2007
The reason for this blog is my passionate love for yarn and yarn arts. I have been crocheting for years and love it. I recently started knitting and can't stop. I have multiple projects going at all times, both hook and needles. I'm learning about dyeing yarns, too, so everything has taken on a new dimension.
I will be showing my works here soon. I will also be sharing things that I find and like. I will try to keep any negatives to a minimum and stay away from politics and religion so that I don't offend anyone.
I hope to make some new friends and learn from everyone.